Difficult data center decisions: hosting or cloud computing?

Today, many organizations need to make a tough decision to migrate their data center operations to the cloud or host data center facilities. At the same time, many organizations are discussing how to manage data on the spot and, if it makes sense, move it to an edge data center.
Whether it’s a financial drive, a disaster recovery plan, or just focusing on core competencies, more and more organizations are moving all or part of their data center operations to cloud computing or edge data centers. Depending on its business drivers, adopting a hosted data center’s services is often an attractive alternative to maintaining an on-premise data center.
This is not a simple decision for the organization. These choices often change the form and future of the organization. To ensure that the right actions are taken, its decision-making process must consider many factors, including how it will affect the operation of the data center and various internal and external stakeholders. However, this key stakeholder in data center facility management is often overlooked.
Clearly, data center facility managers play a key role in data center operations. The same is true when the discussion involves possible actions: Data center facility managers should be key players in the conversation. When making decisions, they should be at the forefront of implementation and management, providing basic insights and perspectives on current data center operations and issues and opportunities when implementing any adjustments to the enterprise data center strategy.
Even if it is decided to migrate data center operations off-site, data center facility managers still play a vital role in data center strategy and operations. In fact, most data centers today are still on-premises, and most organizations still have some sort of internal computing power. While many new data center applications are well suited for cloud environments, not all applications can meet demand (such as latency, security, regulatory requirements, etc.). One of the main tasks of data center facility managers in the evaluation process is to determine if the on-premise data center is no longer needed.
Click to know more about data center transceivers and data center DAC.
